Monday, January 12, 2009

Bringing whats been called Watchmen roadshow

Hasselbeck occasionally hit the town with Ro for a girl / girl play date. Bringing whats been called the Watchmen roadshow to New York, Snyder presented the first 12 minutes of his movie, along with a handful of other scenes, to an assorted group of journalists. I have all the respect in the world for my colleague Tom ONeil, but I strongly disagree with his glowing assessment of Angelina Jolie performance in/awards prospects for Changeling, the new Clint Eastwood film that he and I both saw at the same New York Film Festival press/industry screening last Thursday. Yes, thats the same Mischa Barton who is usually pictured in disgusting get-ups falling out of clubs and her tops. Her Madgesty, MLVC, Ritchie I, Queen of Pop, visits her loyal Toronto subjects with the sold-out Sticky and Sweet World Tour on Sat, Oct 18 and 19. THE FILM is all about a lovable and lonely robot named Wall-E.

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